Welcome! I’m happy you’re here. My goal is to share some thoughts and ideas in the world of cybersecurity. Each time you choose to visit this blog, I hope you leave it more knowledgeable about the world of cybersecurity. And, you’ll be able to use the tips and information to help you safeguard your online footprint.
Perhaps you’re thinking a blog about cybersecurity will be overwhelming, technical, and dry. Instead, I hope you think of me as a guide or tutor, similar to when you purchase a new video game. Picture this: you’ve fired up your system to play that new game, but there is an option to opt-in or opt-out of the player tutorial before you can get started. When you opt-out and explore on your own, you can find a few new things, but the guide will steer you to navigating the game for a rewarding experience.
I am the cybersecurity director with Round Rock ISD. Our students, staff, and community safety is paramount, offline and online. This includes cybersecurity. In this blog, I will cover all kinds of topics in cybersecurity: from some basic principles and concepts of things you can apply in your daily life, like protecting your data and helping you make better decisions on social media. We will discuss a ton of diverse things that you won’t want to miss. I like to make them as relatable to games, entertainment, art, current events, and whatever else will keep you coming back to learn more and apply cybersecurity practices to help keep you safe online.
Remember the analogy of “exploring a game?” Let me be your guide. You have enough to do. I can help you navigate the world of cybersecurity. If there is a topic you’d like me to address or have a question, please email me. I encourage you to share this blog with your friends, family, and anyone who needs assistance staying safe online.
GG (Good game),